Impulsa Mendoza is the tool created by the Government of Mendoza for the development of mining as a State policy.​


Located in central-western Argentina, at the foot of the Andes mountain range, Mendoza is the most important province in the Cuyo region.


Mendoza recovered the potassium deposit that had been inactive since 2013 and took full possession in 2020, after arduous negotiations.


Impulsa Mendoza is the vehicle adopted by the province of Mendoza to develop a modern and sustainable mining sector.

Our goal is to encourage and attract private investment to the mining sector, always looking for projects with public and private participation. To this end, we have developed investment projects and communication campaigns, as well as we have created strategic planning that involves environmental studies.






Located in the central-western zone of Argentina, at the foot of the Andes mountain range, Mendoza is the most important province in the Cuyo region. In addition to being the bi-oceanic corridor that connects the Atlantic with the Pacific, it is one of the most thriving economies in the country, with sectors as diverse as agriculture, industry, agribusiness and technology; and with a long tradition in hydrocarbons and hydroelectric energy.

The province borders Chile and is in an area with enormous geological potential in minerals that are critical for energy transition, such as copper, gold, silver, zinc, manganese, uranium and iron. Mendoza has the largest potassium deposit in Latin America.

Today, the province counts with a specific legal framework that limits the use of certain technologies and requires legislative ratification of Environmental Impact studies. To comply with this legal framework and take the path of development again, Impulsa investigates and promotes the processes for the growth of the mining sector, considering current regulations and with all the required studies.

During 2016, the Ministry of Economy and Energy carried out an initiative called Mining Dialogue Space for Sustainable Development, a conference aimed at analyzing, understanding and defining the bases of a State Policy for Mining in Mendoza.

In this space, more than 70 exhibitions were held with more than 1500 participants, including representatives of the executive and the legislative branches of the Government, the Irrigation General Department, Universities, Technical Institutes, NGOs, business chambers and professional associations; freelancers; students and general public. Based on these conferences, a map was drawn in which the different subsectors that shape the mining universe were analyzed, considering types of mining, stages of development, magnitude of the projects and their location.

From the beginning of these works until today, great progress has been made that permitted the recovery of Potasio Río Colorado, a potassium mine located in Malargüe, capable of supplying the local market and exporting. The recovery of this mine also made possible the birth of Impulsa Mendoza.

Currently, the province of Mendoza participates in forums, conferences and exhibitions where relevant information is shared to introduce and position the province as an attractive destination for mining investment.



Mendoza recovered the field that Vale had left inactive in 2013 and took full possession in 2020.


The iron exploration in Malargüe
was the second project developed by
Impulsa S.A.


Copper is one of the minerals with the greatest demand and greatest future projection in the world.


The Malargüe Occidental Mining District is a tool developed by the Government of the Province of Mendoza.


The Plan Pilares is based on studies on economic, social, institutional, technical and environmental capacities.


Impulsa Mendoza is a vehicle to promote the development of Mendoza, focused on an activity that results in essential resources for the subsistence of communities, such as potassium or copper.

In addition to being key to the transition to clean energy, mining is an engine for the local economy: mining development brings with it the growth of royalties, trade and municipal taxes, and encourages the growth of regional infrastructure.

The mining industry moves the wheel of production in sectors as diverse as manufacturing, construction, commerce, professional and business services, transportation, logistics, hotels, restaurants and energy, such as gas and hydrocarbons. In addition, it has high levels of labor formality, provides above-average salaries and promotes the technification and professionalization of local suppliers.

In terms of environment, this activity uses water resources that are recirculated in closed circuits, in which it is only necessary to replace what evaporates, so consumption is low compared to other productive activities.




Mendoza signed the contract to reactivate the PCR potassium mine, after a process of almost three years that culminated with the award to Minera Aguilar with the participation of the Brazilian ARG.

The contract stipulates an investment of US$ 1,000 million over a period of 5 years and establishes that 12% of the shares remain in the province, through Impulsa Mendoza, along with 4.5% of the royalties.

The process required more than 30 months of work, which included the selection of bidders with the highest international standards by the Union of Swiss Banks (USB), under the legal supervision of DLA Piper and with permanent control by the Public Prosecutor’s Office. State.

The potassium deposit has a property of 80 thousand hectares and a mine capable of supplying the domestic market and exporting. It has an airport in working condition and capacity for 3 thousand people to eat and stay.

Therefore, in addition to producing, it will become a service hub. The fiscal cost for Mendoza was zero and the prospects include three central activities: extraction and export of potassium salts, with high internal and external demand; production of Solvay soda, raw materials for manufacturing glass, and provision of services for industries and SMEs operating in the South.

To control the execution of the contract, the Province has the IMPULSA Mendoza team. who knows the project in detail and will continue to supervise and control its compliance during execution.



The iron exploration in Malargüe was the second project developed by Impulsa S.A, in partnership with Alto América Exploraciones.

Before beginning the exploration tasks, surface ground studies, geochemical and geophysical surveys and spectral surveys were carried out, among other studies that already outline the presence of an excellent mineral. The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was approved by the Legislature within the framework of Law 7722 and the field has drilled wells, more than 30 kilometers of repaired roads and 5 kilometers of new accesses.

This exploitation is vital for the growth of Mendoza’s productive matrix and has the potential to supply 30% of all the iron that Argentina today imports from abroad, in addition to exporting.

The Project area is made up of several mining properties, and covers an area of ​​more than 2 thousand hectares within the Andean Railway District of the Southwest of Mendoza.



El Seguro is a copper deposit that is in the prospecting stage. Copper is one of the minerals with the greatest demand and greatest future projection in the world due to its multiple applications in construction, telecommunications, electronics and transportation, and Mendoza has enormous potential in the sector.

The mining property is made up of 3 mines, with a total area of ​​15,302 hectares. With the first exploration works, added to the knowledge of the area, it is inferred that there is enormous potential for copper and gold reserves, which, due to their characteristics, will potentially be exploited through the flotation process.

There are mining rights, a discovery statement, and an exploration plan and reports to obtain the environmental impact statement for exploration in process.


Malargüe Western Mining District

The MDMO is a tool developed by the Government of the Province through Impulsa Mendoza to respond to the great challenge that the energy transition represents for the world.

In the south of the province of Mendoza, in the department of Malargüe, there is an area of enormous geological potential for the exploration of one critical mineral to transform the energy matrix: copper.

Located in the same geological belt that feeds the large deposits that today produce the largest amount of copper in the world, the Malargüe Western Mining District (MDMO) consists of a 20,000 km area in which there are more than 250 mining projects of different sizes and degrees of progress, many of them with significant copper occurrences. Many of these projects, which have been identified and studied in the past, have been stalled for 15 years. The Cerro Amarillo, Las Choicas and El Burrero projects were also found in this area, which suffered years of unnecessary delays.

These projects, which due to their composition can be developed within the framework of Law 7722, are a strong commitment by the province of Mendoza to become a key player in the energy transition process.

Impulsa Mendoza has developed a deep environmental impact study throughout the area to shorten the time required for project development, along with geological potential and infrastructure studies.

This environmental impact study includes the analysis of all aspects necessary to determine the feasibility of a prospecting and exploration process, taking into account issues such as glaciers, wetlands, communities, paleontology, archaeology, speleology and other aspects of the area. Aspects such as water use and sources, system capacities and simultaneity of projects have also been taken into account, arriving at a mapping that allows the identification of areas of lesser and greater sensitivity that will require specific management plans.

This study has made it possible to determine that the defined region is very suitable for mining development since, in addition to its geological potential, there is no competition for land or water use with any other productive activity in the Province. On the contrary, it complements with other existing activities, such as tourism and livestock farming.

In this way, it will speed up project approval times, reducing bureaucracy and avoiding the repetition of unnecessary studies and debates.

This initiative also seeks to respond to a long and justified demand from the Malargüe community, which has a declared territorial calling and history in mining and which for many years has seen frustrated its hopes of developing the sector.



The Plan Pilares is based on studies on the economic, social, institutional, technical and environmental capacities required by the province of Mendoza to benefit from its geological potential. This potential could serve to chart a path of development and prosperity around modern and sustainable mining.

It is an initiative that comes from the private sector, represented by CEM, Tassaroli S.A., Argenteo Mining and the geologist Guillermo Pensado. The initiative complements a shared vision by integrating Impulsa Mendoza, defending the interests of the public sector, and the National University of Cuyo, which participates in representing the values of society, as partners.

The project is based on five pillars or bases:

  1. Geological-mining potential;
  2. Human capital and value chain;
  3. Critical environmental factors for ‘green’ mining;
  4. Infrastructure and mining logistics corridors;
  5. Virtuous fiscal and institutional regime, governance and territorial calling.

Currently, in the first half of 2024, Plan Pilares is in its initial stage. It seeks to define a baseline and think about strategies for the growth of the Province around sustainable mining that is committed to the territory and its people.

At the same time, this stage seeks to build a shared vision, early initiatives, coordination models and multi-stakeholder agreements in order to advance to the second stage, in which a roadmap for these early initiatives will be determined, so that State policies can be generated.

In this first stage, more than 20 professionals who stand out for their excellence and professionalism have participated. In addition, we have had the collaboration of more than 20 experts and entrepreneurs who have extensively nurtured this process through interviews.



Mediante el accionar de Impulsa Mendoza, quien tuvo a cargo el proceso de M&A, en noviembre de 2023, la Provincia firmó el contrato para reactivar la mina de potasio PCR. Luego de un proceso competitivo de casi 3 años, sobre un proyecto que permaneció paralizado por más de 10 años, el proceso finalizó mediante la adjudicación a Minera Aguilar con participación de la brasileña ARG.

El proceso demandó más de 30 meses de trabajo, e incluyó la selección de oferentes con los más altos estándares internacionales a cargo de la Unión de Bancos Suizos (UBS), bajo la supervisión legal de DLA Piper y con control permanente por parte de la Fiscalía de Estado.

El contrato estipula una inversión de US$ 1.000 millones en un plazo de 5 años y establece que el 12% de las acciones quedan en la Provincia a través de Impulsa Mendoza, quien se beneficiará además por recaudación de regalías, fondos de desarrollo especifico, tributos locales y nacionales, e impacto económico propio de la actividad.

El yacimiento de potasio tiene un predio de 80 mil hectáreas y una mina capaz de abastecer el mercado interno y exportar cloruro de potasio, insumo clave para abastecer la demanda global de alimentos.

A su vez, cuenta con una amplia infraestructura instalada, que incluye un aeropuerto, y capacidad para que habiten 3 mil personas.
Para controlar la ejecución del contrato, la Provincia cuenta con el equipo de Impulsa Mendoza, quien conoce el proyecto en detalle y continuará supervisando y controlando el cumplimiento del mismo durante la ejecución.



El Plan Pilares se basa en estudios sobre las capacidades económicas, sociales, institucionales, técnicas y ambientales requeridas por la provincia de Mendoza para beneficiarse de su potencial geográfico y geológico, de modo que este potencial sirva como medio para trazar un camino de desarrollo y prosperidad en torno a una minería moderna y sostenible.

Es una iniciativa que proviene del sector privado, representado por el CEM, Tassaroli S.A., Argenteo Mining y el geólogo Guillermo Pensado, y que complementa una visión compartida al integrar como socio a Impulsa Mendoza, portavoz de los intereses del sector público, y a la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, que participa representando los valores de la sociedad.

El proyecto se sustenta en cinco pilares:

  1. Potencial geológico-minero;
  2. Capital humano y cadena de valor;
  3. Factores ambientales críticos para una minería “verde”;
  4. Infraestructura y corredores logísticos mineros;
  5. Régimen fiscal e institucional virtuoso, gobernanza y vocación territorial.

Actualmente, en el primer semestre de 2024, Plan Pilares se encuentra en la primera fase. Esta busca definir una línea base y caracterizar estrategias para el crecimiento de la Provincia en torno de una minería sostenible, comprometida con el territorio y su gente.

Al mismo tiempo, esta fase busca construir una visión compartida, iniciativas tempranas, modelos de coordinación y acuerdos multi-actores para poder avanzar a la segunda fase, en la cual se determinará una hoja de ruta para dichas iniciativas tempranas, de modo que puedan generarse políticas de Estado acordes.

En esta primera fase, han participado más de 20 profesionales que se destacan por su excelencia y profesionalidad. Además, contamos con la colaboración de más de 20 expertos y empresarios que han nutrido ampliamente este proceso mediante entrevistas.


Malargüe Distrito Minero Occidental

El MDMO es una herramienta desarrollada por el Gobierno de la Provincia a través de Impulsa Mendoza para dar una respuesta al enorme desafío que representa para el mundo la transición energética.

En el sur de la provincia de Mendoza, más precisamente en el departamento de Malargüe, se encuentra una zona de enorme potencial geológico para la exploración de uno de los minerales críticos para la transformación de la matriz energética: el cobre.

Localizado en la misma faja geológica que alimenta los grandes yacimientos que hoy producen la mayor cantidad de cobre del mundo, el Malargüe Distrito Minero Occidental se compone de una zona de 20,000 km en la cual ya se encuentran más de 250 proyectos mineros de distinto tamaño y grado de avance, muchos de ellos con importantes manifestaciones de cobre. Muchos de estos proyectos, que ya fueron identificados y estudiados en el pasado, se encuentran paralizados desde hace 15 años. En esta zona, también se encontraron los proyectos de Cerro Amarillo, Las Choicas y El Burrero, que, a pesar de estar avanzando, sufrieron años de innecesarias demoras.

Estos proyectos, que por su composición pueden desarrollarse dentro del marco de la Ley 7722, son una fuerte apuesta de la provincia de Mendoza para transformarse en un jugador clave en el proceso de transición energética.

Impulsa Mendoza ha desarrollado un profundo estudio de impacto ambiental en toda la zona, junto con estudios de potencial geológico y de infraestructura, para acortar los tiempos que requiere el desarrollo de los proyectos.

El estudio de impacto ambiental realizado incluye el análisis de todos los aspectos necesarios para determinar la viabilidad de un proceso de prospección y exploración teniendo en cuenta temas como glaciares, humedales, comunidades, paleontología, arqueología, espeleología y cada aspecto del área. También se han tenido en cuenta aspectos como el uso y las fuentes de agua, capacidades del sistema y simultaneidad de proyectos, llegando a un mapeo que permite definir zonas de menor y mayor sensibilidad que requerirán planes de manejo específicos.

Este estudio ha permitido determinar que la región definida es muy apta para el desarrollo minero ya que, además de su potencial geológico, no existe competencia por el uso del suelo ni del agua con ninguna otra actividad productiva de la Provincia. Al contrario, se complementa perfectamente con otras actividades ya existentes, como lo son el turismo y la ganadería.

De este modo, se permitirá acelerar los tiempos de aprobación de los proyectos, desburocratizando procedimientos y evitando la repetición de estudios y debates innecesarios.

Esta iniciativa también busca dar respuesta un largo y justificado reclamo de la comunidad de Malargüe, que tiene una declarada vocación territorial e historia en la minería y que hace muchos años ve frustrada su esperanza de desarrollar el sector.



El Seguro es un yacimiento de cobre que se encuentra en etapa de prospección. El cobre es uno de los minerales con mayor demanda y mayor proyección a futuro en el mundo por sus múltiples aplicaciones en la construcción, las telecomunicaciones, la electrónica y el transporte, y Mendoza tiene un enorme potencial en el sector.

La propiedad minera se compone de 3 minas, con un área total de 15.302 hectáreas. Con los primeros trabajos de exploración, sumados al conocimiento que se tiene por el área, se infiere que hay un potencial enorme de reservas de cobre y oro, que, por sus características, podrían ser explotadas mediante proceso de flotación.

Se cuenta con los derechos mineros, la manifestación de descubrimiento, el plan de exploración e informes para obtener la Declaración de Impacto Ambiental de exploración, que está en proceso.



Luego de más de 15 años sin proyectos realizando labores propias del estado de exploración avanzada, Mendoza, mediante el acuerdo generado entre Impulsa Mendoza y Alto América Exploraciones, pudo experimentar una campaña de perforación de 2.480 metros en el proyecto Hierro Indio.

Habiéndose explorado únicamente el 5% de los casi 3.000 km2 que conforman la superficie del proyecto, y acorde a los resultados preliminares, el recurso potencial de mineral de hierro es de al menos 5 millones de toneladas. De esta forma, Mendoza podría tener el único proyecto productivo de esta minera, que es crítico para la transición energética, y que Argentina importa cada año en cantidades que promedian los 5 millones de toneladas.

Esta campaña, que se ajusta a las leyes vigentes en Mendoza, se basó principalmente en la perforación a diamantina de objetivos definidos previamente a través de relevamientos geoquímicos, geofísicos e hiperespectrales. También, se realizaron mapeos geológicos en detalle, con el objetivo de reconocer mineralizaciones, litologías y estructuras presentes en el proyecto.

La mayor cantidad del mineral de hierro identificado en el proyecto corresponde a la variedad mineralógica de la magnetita, lo que corrobora que el proceso de producción de hierro se podrá hacer por métodos magnéticos, tal como se había previsto en el plan de desarrollo de la mina.

La mina de hierro se encontraba inactiva desde la década de los 70 y la pyme Hierro Indio S.A, una empresa 100% argentina, trazó un plan para reactivarla. En 2019, la Legislatura aprobó la Declaración de Impacto Ambiental (DIA) en el marco de la Ley 7722. Previo a la obtención de la declaración, el proyecto fue sometido a la evaluación ambiental, que contempló el dictamen técnico por parte de un equipo de la Facultad de Ciencias Aplicadas a la Industria de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo.