In Argentina, there are two key documents in the environmental assessment of mining projects:
- Environmental Impact Report (EIR).
The EIR is a technical study that must be submitted by any mining company before starting an activity with a potential environmental impact. This report identifies and evaluates the effects that the project may have on the environment, proposing measures to prevent, mitigate or compensate for these impacts.
The submission of the EIR is a mandatory requirement to obtain environmental approval for a mining project.
- Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
The EIS is an administrative act by which the competent authority (usually the Mining Secretariat of the province or the Ministry of Environment, depending on the jurisdiction) approves or rejects the EIS.
Only with an approved EIS can a mining project move forward.
Public hearings
Public hearings are a citizen participation mechanism that allows communities to express opinions and concerns about a mining project before the EIS is approved. In Argentina, they are regulated by the General Environmental Law (Law N° 25.675) and are mandatory in certain cases according to provincial regulations.